A friend recently told me that he had stopped renewing his DStv subscriptions, yet maintained active channels. I asked if he won any promotion from DStv but he replied it was a secret he would unfold with time. He eventually told me about how Nigerians unlock and watch free-to-air DStv channels using the Q-Sat decoder. He confided in me that with this setup, you could watch as many DStv channels as you want free of charge. I have tried to know if this is true, how it works and the legality behind it. Eventually, I realized many Nigerians use the Qsat decoders to unlock and watch free DStv channels. A little research into why this happens shows that according to installers and users, the Qsat decoder has the ability to capture DStv satellite-transmitted signals. These encoded signals are decrypted or unlocked, presenting it on your TV in a format, which you see as images and audio. Although the Qsat decoder has to be aligned on recommended frequency parameters and settings.